MSHA:  Mine Safety and Health Administration

Smoke / Diesel Particulate Matter Reduction:Diesel Particulate Filters
Emissions from Diesel Engines: Diesel Oxidation Catalyst
Emissions from Gas Engines: Exhaust Gas Purifiers

Please Note: Equipment used for mining have stringent guidelines for emissions and operation. We strongly advise contacting us at 1-800-551-5525 for more information.  

MSHA enforces compliance with health and safety standards to eliminate fatal accidents, reduce frequency and severity of nonfatal accidents, minimize health hazards and promote improved safety and health conditions throughout mines in the US.

Restrictions / Exposure Limits:

MSHA adopts TLV – Threshold Limit Values

CO – 50 ppmv, 8 hour time weighted average
CO2 – 5000 ppmv, 8 hour time weighted average
NO – 25 ppmv, 8 hour time weighted average
NO2 – 5 ppmv, ceiling value (cannot be exceeded)
SO2 – 5 ppmv, 8 hour time weighted average

Exposure to Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) in underground metal/nonmetal (i.e., non-coal) mines is limited to 160 µg/m3 (micro grams per cubic meter air).

Coal Mine DPM Engine Emission Limits:

Permissible Equipment – 2.5 grams/hour
Heavy Duty non-permissible – 2.5 grams/hour
Light Duty non-permissible – 5 grams/hour or EPA standards
MSHA lab testing establishes the DPM filtration required on specific diesel engines

Coal mine operators additionally must:

  • Perform weekly examinations of diesel equipment and perform maintenance with certified mechanics
  • Use low sulfur fuel
  • Provide training to miners annually on DPM risks and controls used at the specific mine
  • Maintain exhaust gas concentrations at or below established standards
  • Provide ventilating air where diesel engines are operated

Additional Information:

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Toll free:1-800-551-5525


Address:30 Intermodal Drive,
Units 19-22, Brampton,
Ontario, Canada L6T 5K1